Урок на тему: «Музыка»

Мухамметова Азиза Юсуфовна

преподаватель английского языка

КГУ «Колледж сферы обслуживания г. Петропавловска»

2 course                                                                                                             Group 22












Org. moment:


Checking h/m





The main part:






Checking h/m:







Watching a video










Checking h/m








Social life


1 develop communication skills;

2 use vocabulary reviewed in speech;

3 use grammatical structures when building proposals;

4 read the full text of his understanding.

Star, poor, move, adore, immediately, recognize, popularity, performance, replace, former, return.


The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning, dear students! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What’s the weather like today? Who is absent today?

Play a game: asking words. Stand up please. I will say a word in Russian and you should say this word in English. Who don’t say this word in English I will say sit down. Do you understand me?

Writing each missing letter:

Senti_ental, beautif_l, sen_ational, romant_c, _ultural=music

The theme of our lesson is “Music”.

Today we are going to read about how avoid a prison.

Ask questions:

1 Can you think a day without music?

2 What music do you prefer?

3 … (reading a small text)

Watching and listening to the presentations about classical, popular music and rock and roll. (ask questions after presentations)


1)    What did you understand from this presentation?

2)    Do you like this music?

3)    What do think about this music?

Conclusion: How can music help in our life?

Let’s watch a video about Elvis Presley

Ask questions: What did you understand from this video? Now let’s read the text about him!

Reading and translation the text. Let’s read one by one!

Ex 1 Ask questions:

1)    Where was he born?

2)    When did he make the first commercial record?

3)    What did John Lenon say about Elvis Presley?

Ex 2 True/False

Ex 3 Translation

Ex 4 Complete the sentences

Watching a presentation about John Lenon

Listening to music “Yesterday”. What about this song? Good of you!


Listening to music and drawing emotions.

Learn new words and retell a text.

What was the theme of the lesson? Do you open smth new for you?

The marks for the lesson are…

The lesson is over! Good-bye!


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