Открытый урок Transport of materials through the plasma membrane (Passive mechanisms)

Беленкова Елена Михайловна Учитель английского языка и биологии на английском город Талгар СГОД№8 имени Ю.Гагарина

Theme:  Transport of materials through the plasma membrane

Aim: To widen knowledge about processes in cells


  1. to learn material about passive mechanisms in cell
  2. to develop thinking abilities and creative thinking
  3. to summarize facts about cell studied during the lessons
  4. to widen general outlook

Type of the lesson: combine

Methods of teaching: illustrative, critical thinking, part- search

Forms of work: individual, group, frontal


  1. Organization moment:
  2. Greetings (Joy circle)- Say a compliment to your partner: You are + adjective
  3. Dividing into teams (three groups)
  4. Revision:
  5. Explanation how to give marks (list of marks)
  1. Answering questions:
  • The first person to describe microscopic organisms and living cells was_________.
  • The maximum size to which a cell may grow is limited mainly by the cell’s _______.
  • Some ribosomes are free in the cytoplasm, while others line the membrane of the_______.
  • Everything between the cell membrane and the nucleus is the cell’s________.
  • The organelle that processes and packages substances produced by the cell is_________.
  • The ________ is the control centre of the cell.
  • The DNA in the form of a long strand is called________.
  • Cytoplasm consists of two main components: _______and_______.
  • The nucleus is surrounded by a double layer membrane called the_______.
  • The nucleoli make_______, which in turn build proteins.
  1. Checking of answers, giving marks according the criteria of points
  2. Telling the results of work
  • Warm up:
  1. Guess the theme of the lesson by help of picture-riddle
  2. “Brainstorming “ (sun diagram)- write as many words as possible which you may use to talk on the theme
  3. Presentation: the book “Cytology” page 75-78, “Passive mechanisms”
  4. Each group receives its task (1st group discusses diffusion, 2nd group tells about osmosis, 3rd group reads about dialyses and filtration)
  5. The groups make a cluster on the theme according the criteria: conception of process, short explanation of mechanism, using of pictures, practical experiment.
  6. Groups speak on yours themes, showing clusters, experiments
  7. Discussing of the results according the criteria
criterion 1st group 2nd group  3rd group
conception of process      
short explanation of mechanism      
using of pictures      
practical experiment      


  1. Relaxation task (listening to music)
  2. Practice:
  3. Listen to quiz’s questions and say what process is shown in each example:
  • What process helps us to feel the smell of flowers and perfume? (diffusion)
  • When we water the dry flower it gets up, why? (due to osmosis, turgor)
  • We want to clear water from dirty substances. We use…(filtration)
  • What process makes our vegetables salty during conservation? (diffusion)
  • We put a piece of sugar in our tea and it becomes sweet. What is it? (diffusion)
  • What process do doctors use to help patients with kidney diseases? (dialysis)
  • Evaluation:
  1. Make a three-language vocabulary of the lesson
  2. Complete the table of vocabulary in three languages
English Russian Kazakh
Cell Клетка Жасуша
Cytoplasm Цитоплазма Цитоплазма
Diffusion Диффузия Диффузия
Filtration Фильтрация Фильтрация
Membrane Мембрана Мембрана
Nucleus Ядро Ядро
Osmosis Осмос Осмос
Substance Вещество Нәрсе, зат
Transport Транспорт көлік


  1. Present your work
  • Reflexion:
  1. “Free writing”- what you like, don’t like, what was interesting and so on
  2. Put your sign (smile-face) on the diagram how do you fell after lesson
  3. Homework: page 79 “Factors affecting the passive mechanisms”
  4. Sum up


Перед проведением урока я много просмотрела материалов в интернете по теме, прочитала материалы учебников, общалась с моими  менторами Пукасевой И.И. и Андреевой Е.Н. Считаю, что урок достиг цели, ребята слаженно работали в группах, и это достоинство этой методики. Ребята выполняли задания, при этом осуществляли взаимопроверку, что повышает заинтересованность в обучении и ответственность. Умение высказывать свое мнение также развивается при проведении рефлексии. Сложность для меня представляет постановка целей по методике SMART, хотя я прочитала достаточно статей по этому вопросу.

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