Открытый урок по английскому языку “The Parts of the body”

Алиферкина Е.Б.

Учитель английского языка

КГУ «Средняя школа № 1 г. Атбасар»

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The objectives of the lesson:

  • To present new vocabulary “parts of the body”. To review cardinal and ordinal numbers.
  • SWBAT ( students will be able to) describe person using new vocabulary.
  • To teach the students to respect other people, take care of their health.

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Greeting: Good morning, children! I’m very glad to see you. Today we are going to have an unusual lesson.
  2. Teacher: – How are you?            Student 1- I’m fine, thank you!

Teacher :-  Are you good?          Student 2- Yes, I’m good!

Teacher :-  Are you nice?             Student 3- Yes, I’m nice, thanks.

  • Teacher: Let’s repeat the English alphabet. The students retell the “ABC” ( slide).
  1. Teacher: Rule. There cardinal and ordinal numerals in English. Ordinal numbers form with the help of the suffixes ”th”. ( example: seven- seventh ( седьмой)).

But :    1 one –  1-й    the first

2 two – 2 –й   the second

3 three- 3- й   the third

5 five- 5- й      the fifth

8 eight- 8- й    the eighth

12 twelve – 12- й the twelfth.

  1. Teacher: Guess the theme of our lesson doing these sums and using the English Alphabet.


  1. Which is the first letter of the English Alphabet? The first letter is Aa., Etc.
  2. Do the sums, find the letters and guess the theme of the lesson. ( 10 + 10= 20 –a letter Tt, etc.)
  3. So, the theme of our lesson is the parts of the body.

( slide)

1       A a    13     M m  2       B b    14     N n   3       C c    15     O o

4       D d   16     P p

5       E e    17     Q q

6       F f     18     R r   

7       G g   19     S s    

8       H h   20     T t

9       I i      21     U u

10     J j     22     V v   

11     K k   23     W w

12     L l     24     X x

                               25   Y y   

                               26   Z z

10 + 10 =15 – 7 =15 – 10=

32 – 16=

11-10 =

12 +6=











  1. Presentation – a doll (slide).
  2. L. U. : a head, a hair, a face, a nose, an eye, an ear, a mouth, a neck, a shoulder, an arm, a hand, a finger, a leg, a foot, feet, a toe, a body.

The teacher shows the parts of the body and the students repeat them after the teacher using the picture of a doll.

The teacher ask questions: Example:- T.- Is this a leg? S.-yes, it is.

T.- Is this an arm? S.- No, it isn’t.

  • Students go to the desk and put the words in the right corner to the doll, which is the left. ( a head, a face and so on.) ( slide).
  1. Reading Practice : ex.5 p.184

Students read and translate the sentences. ( slide)

[0 ]    Not, what, wash, shop, shopping, long, porridge, coffee, body, a long body, a shot body. What          animals have long bodies? I think a crocodile has got a long body.

[a:]    glass, last, father, party, are, arm, an arm – arms, his arm, her arm, their arms, my left arm, my right arm. I’vе got two arms: this is my left arm and this is my right arm.

[i]     in, his, this, ill, six, skip, live, kitten, swim, bring, different, visit, fish, pity, little, sister, finger, a finger – fingers. I’vе got ten fingers- five on my right hand and five on my left hand.

[ou]   no, so, know, only, grow, open, go, nose, toe, a toe- toes. How many toes have you got? . I’vе got ten toes- five on my right foot and five on my left foot.

  1. The presentation of new vocabulary + Kazakh Equivalents ( slide).
body Тело
Face Лицо
Head Голова
Hair Волосы
Eye Глаз
Ear Ухо
Mouth Рот
Nose Нос
Shoulder Плечо
Arm Рука ( от плеча)
Hand Рука (кисть)
Leg Нога ( от бедра)
Foot ( feet) Нога ( ступня)
Finger Палец ( руки)
Toe Палец ( ноги)
Left Левый
Right Правый
neck шея
  1. Practice in some dialogues: ( slide)

Example:    -What do you hear with?

–  I hear with my ears.

What do you see with?

What do you eat with?

What do you walk with?

What do you write with?

What do you think with?

  • Exercises for body: ( slide with music)

T.: Stand up! Hands up! Hands aside! Hands down!

Swim! Fly! Go! Dance!

Touch your nose!

Touch your neck!

Touch your leg! Touch your arm!

Sit down! Thank you!

  • Conversation Practice, using the picture of the body. ( slide)

Teacher: the boy has got one body, one face, one head, one nose, one neck, one mouth! But he has got two arms, two hands, two legs, two feet, and ten fingers and toys.

The dialogue:  Example:   – How many bodies has he got?

-He has got one body.

-How many legs has he got?

–  He has got two legs.

– How many eyes has he got?

-He has got two eyes. Etc.

  • Reading Practice ( slide) . ex. Why did she run away?
  1. Writing Practice ( slide)

The students write the missing letters in the words:

B*dy         mou**

F*ce         h*ir

No* е        *ar

He*d        s*oul*er

Fo*t          e*e

  • The proverbs ( slide).
  1. Two _____ are better then one. – Одна голова хорошо, а две лучше.
  2. Don’t look a gift horse in the ____. –Дареному коню в зубы не смотрят.
  3. A sound mind in a sound ____. –В здоровом теле здоровый дух.

The students read the proverbs and guess the meaning of the missing words. The are : head, mouth, body.


  • Audio:

The teacher reads the text and ask the students to find out the words of the theme of the lesson. The words are: head, legs, neck.

  • Individual work.

During the lesson some students work with the cards. Task: match the words.

Mouth           нога

Neck               ступни

Leg                 рот

Arm                рука

Foot                шея

The task some pupils do using the blackboard , put the words are different.

  1. IX. Home task: – to learn new words, proverbs.
  • to read the text : ex.7 p.192

In conclusion:   –  to give marks

  • to repeat proverbs.

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