“Kazakh National Music. Construction as…as, not so…as, the more…the better, more and more…”

Муратова Лимара Эсеповна
преподаватель английского языка КГКП «Экибастузский строительно-технический колледж»

Theme\ Тақырыбы\ Тема:  Kazakh National Music. Construction as…as, not so…as, the more…the better, more and more… .

Сабақтың түрі\ Тип урока  Combined

Сабақтың мақсаттары\ Цели урока

Educational \ Білімділік\образовательные: to fix the theme of the previous lecture; to accumulate knowledge;to apply knowledge in the activities;to teach to give summary;

Developing\ Дамытушылық\ развивающие: to encourage students’ interest; to expand information horizons;

Тәрбиелік\ воспитательные: to respond to the students as individuals, to promote interpersonal relationship;to bring up a sense of patriotism;to create competitive environment;

Сабақтың жабдықтары\ Оборудование урока

көрнекілік құралдар\ наглядные пособия: a lecture,

үлестірімді құралдар\раздаточный материал: tables, tasks.

ТҚО\ ТСО:Interactive board

Сабақтың барысы\ Ход урока

1.Organization moment

1-2 мин

a)      Greeting

Good-morning, students. Sit down, please. Today at the lesson we will review all information you have already studied last lesson, also I will check your knowledge. Let’s start our lesson.

(Pupils greeted the teacher. The duty pupil answers the teacher’s questions.)

b)     Warm-up activity.

A phonetic drill:

Rain, rain go away

Rain, rain go away,

Come again another day.

(Pupils listening and reading the poem all together.)

2.      Checking home work

Let’s remember some grammar themes from your last lessons. And review the information about:

1.      Art of Kazakhstan. Adjectives and Adverbs.

(They are remembering the themes from the last lessons. They are answering the teacher’s questions.)

3.      Presentation of the new theme

1.      Kazakh National Music.

2.      Construction as…as, not so…as, the more…the better, more and more…

Dear students, I know you love Music. You listen to the music I am sure. You will be glad to speak about the National Music.

Association – Dina Nurpeissova, Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly, Suinbai Aronuly.

Our new theme is “Kazakh National Music”. I will introduce you with the new words. I’ll give you papers with the texts. Read the text and do some exercises.

(They are writing the theme in their copy books.)

I.                   Read the text.

II.                Making a scheme.

III.             Make up some sentences with words in the text: Speaking Reading Writing

Kazakh traditional music can be divided into two genres: instrumental music and vocal music. Instrumental music is called Kuy and performed by soloists using Kazakh traditional musical instruments, e.g. dombra, kobyz, etc. Among the most famous kuy composers there are Kurmangazy, Dina, Dauletkerey, Tattimbet, etc.

4.      Fixing knowledge

a)      Let’s do some exercises to fix your knowledge, your task is to do the exercises using the new theme:

(During fixing the knowledge pupils are doing exercises from the copies:

-Writing words

-Complete the sentences)

b)      To listen the kuy “Tauelsizdik” (on- line)

c)      To show the Presentation “ Kazakh National Music ”

Make the poster about one musical instrument

Dombra                                                          Kobyz

To present their poster

5.      Presentation of a new grammar theme (the teacher tells the new grammar theme)

Today you have leant about Construction as…as, not so…as, the more…the better, more and more…

a)Write the grammar rule

( Pupils listening and reading the rule. They are writing it in their copy books and then they are reading it all together.)

b)Writing exercise

At home you are to revise and learn the constructions.

6.      Summary

So boys, our lesson is coming to the end. You have learned a lot. Thank you very much.Write down your homework: to learn by heart the new words, to retell the text

(They are writing their home task for the next lesson: to learn by heart the new words, to retell the text.)

7.      Reflection

“Two stars and one wish”

Marks of the lesson.

What have you learnt today? (The pupils tell about the theme of the lesson, their expression.)

The lesson is over, you may be free. Good bye!

Construction as…as, not so…as, the more…the better, more and more… .

Task 1. Fill in the suitable expressions \ Мағынасы бойынша тиісті сөзтіркестерді  жаз \ Поставьте в предложения подходящие по смыслу фразы.

as red as a beet (красный как свекла), as slow as a turtle (медленный как черепаха), as sweet as honey (сладкий как мед), as busy as a bee (занятой как пчела), as clumsy as a bear (неуклюжий как медведь), as black as coal (черный как уголь), as cold as ice (холодный как лед), as slippery as an eel (изворотливый как угорь), as free as a bird (свободный как птица), as smooth as silk (гладкий как шелк)

1.     Your friend is so unemotional, he is … .

2.     I got embarrassed and I was … .

3.     Tom and Anna have got six children and they are always … .

4.     Sorry, Bob, but I’ve spilled the milk on the carpet. I’m … .

5.     I like my skin after a bath, it is … .

6.     The exams are over and I can go anywhere I want. I am … .

7.     He asked me to forgive him and his words were … .

8.     Can you drive faster? Your car is … .

9.     Don’t sign any papers with that man. He is … .

10.                        After playing in the mud all day, the kids were … .

Kazakh National Music

Kazakh national music has a long and rich history and traditions. We can distinguish an akyn (a bard), a kuyshi (an instrumentalist), an ertekshi (a fairy- story teller), and a ku (a humorist-mimic) among the Kazakh national musucians.

The Kazakh people have more than 25 musical instruments – dombra,kobyz, sybyzgy, daulpaz and others.

The small musical compositions played on dombra are called “kuy”. The most ancient are Korkyt`s  kuys. They were created more than 1200 years ago.

One of the greatest Kazakh composers was Kurmangasy. He created more than 60 kuys perfect by their art of expressiveness.

The creative activity of Tattimbet Kazangapov contributed greatly to the instrumental music. He was famous as a composer-kuyshi, the author of wonderful compositions for dombra and a wonderful performer.

Sarmalai was the creator of classical kuys for sybyzgy and a great performer of them.

Aitys is the Kazakh national competition of bard- singers. Aitys was always a great national holiday.

E. Brusilovsky was an outstanding Kazakhstani composer who created an outstanding first Kazakh opera “Kyz – Jibek” in 1934.

The performance of “Abai” opera composed by A.Jubanov and L.Hamidi in 1944 was quite an event in the cultural life of Kazakhstan.

Ballets “The Legend about the White Bird” and “Hirosima” created by G. Zhubanova were a great contribution to the development of Kazakh ballet art.

Birjan Kozhagulov, Akhan- seri Koramsauly, Amre Kashaubayev, Zilgara Karatokauly, Kultum Sarmuratov, Muhit Meraliev and others were great Kazakh composers and performers.


I.                   Read the words after the teacher:

1.      Distinguish – айыру  -различать

2.      creative activity – шығармашылық қызмет –творческая деятельность

3.      ancient – ежелгі – древний

4.      expressiveness – мәнерлілік – выразительность

5.      perfect – мінсіз – совершенны

6.      wonderful compositions – керемет шығарма – чудесное произведение

7.      performer – орындаушы  – исполнитель

8.      outstanding – әйгілі- выдающийся

9.      great contribution – зор үлес – огромный вклад

II.                Complete the sentences or fill in the words

1.      Kazakh national music……

2.      The Kazakh people have more….

3.      The small musical compositions played on dombra are called….

4.      The most ancient are …. .

5.      One of the greatest Kazakh composers was….

6.      Tattimbet Kazangapov was…..

7.      ….   is the Kazakh national competition of bard- singers.

8.      E. Brusilovsky created …..  in 1934.

9.      G. Zhubanova created Ballets “The Legend about the White Bird” and “Hirosima”.