Открытый урок «Страноведческая викторина»

Бижанова Жаннат Бериковна

преподаватель английского языка ЗКО, г.Уральск Международный колледж Цифровых технологий, Архитектуры и Права

Бижанова Жаннат Бериковна

Преподаватель английского языка Международного колледжа Цифровых технологий, Архитектуры и Права

город Уральск, Западно-Казахстанская область

Страноведческая викторина

«What do you know about The UK and The USA»

Цели и задачи:

• Способствовать активному вовлечению студентов  в процесс изучения

иностранного языка, содействовать повышению познавательной мотивации;

• Воспитывать у студентов уважение и толерантное отношение к культуре,

традициям и обычаям народа страны изучаемого языка;

• Развивать и совершенствовать способности к групповому общению и

взаимодействию в группе, развивать умение выбирать рациональные способы

работы, умение действовать в команде;

• Совершенствовать языковые навыки (говорения, чтения, аудирования,


• Способствовать развитию социокультурной компетенции.

Ход мероприятия:

Leader: Good morning, dear guests and students! Today we have an unusual lesson. You have to answer my questions about the UK, the USA, holidays, sightseeing, etc. Two teams will take part in our quiz. Your task is to answer the question  and  get a point. Be attentive! Good luck!

Leader: Let’s see the plan of the quiz. It consists of  9 parts.

Round 1 “Presentation of the teams and captains”

Before we start the quiz each team should present itself. Tell your name and motto.

The first team, you are welcome! (Presentation of the first team). The captain of the

team is ______. Greet the first team! The second team is ______. The captain of the

team is ______. Greet the second team!

Round 2 “What do you know about the UK and the USA?” competition of captains  

Captains  have to answer some questions about The UK and The USA.

1.What is the name of British flag? (Union Jack)

2.What university is the oldest in the USA? (Harvard)

3. English children start going to school at the age of: (5)

4.What is the largest city in the USA? (New York)

5. What is the most important airport in Great Britain? (Heathrow Airport)

6.What do many children usually say when they knock on their neighbors’ door on Halloween? (Trick or Treat)

7.What’s the colour of London taxis? (black)

8.What’s the colour of double-deckers’ in London? (red)

Round 3 “Do you know English proverbs?”


Now you should to match the Russian equivalents to the English proverbs.

Team 1

English variant Russian equivalent

Many men, many minds- Сколько людей, столько идей.

Don`t trouble trouble, till trouble troubles you- Не буди лихо, пока оно тихо

Misfortunes never come alone. Кто ждёт, тот дождётся.

What is done cannot be undone. Будет и на нашей улице праздник

You cannot eat your cake and have it. Сделанного не воротишь

Team 2

English variant Russian equivalent

The early bird catches the warm.- Кто рано встает, того удача ждёт.

Don’t cross a bridge till you come to it. Не вешай нос.

The leopard cannot change his spots. Учиться никогда не поздно

Keep your chin up. Слова не должны расходиться с делом

Practice makes perfect. Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе

IV. Раунд 4 “Секретное слово”

Round 4 “Scramble words”

Change the letter order and write the words correctly.

1. GUAGELAN – ___________________________

2. LISHENG – _____________________________

3. COUNRYT-______________________________

4. DONLON-_______________________________

5. SHINGWATON-__________________________

6. AMECARI-______________________________

7. NEYDISLAND-__________________________

8. ALLOHWEEN-__________________________



Leader: Listen  the description of the literary hero and guess him.

1. He is famous for solving mysteries. He is very clever. He does not know a lot about literature, philosophy, astronomy and politics but his knowledge of chemistry is great. He is a master of disguise, an expert boxer and he can play the violin.


2. She  is a little girl, about seven years old, with straight bangs and hair that “always climbs” into her eyes. Mobile and lively, always gets into amazing stories, in a dream and in reality. She is not confused by a talking cat, funny little men, evil and good queens, she takes everything for granted.


3. He lives with his Aunt Polly. He is 12 years old. He has red curly hair. He is quite slim and of medium height. He has a rich imagination and a kind heart. He is a brave and clever boy. He often gets into trouble but I think he enjoys it. He skips his school lessons, he fights with the boys. He dreams to be a pirate or Robin Hood because he loves adventures.


4. He dreamed of the sea. One of his sea voyages ended with a shipwreck.
He found himself alone on a desert island. He lived on the island for twenty-eight years. He built himself a house, learnt how to fish and to grow plants. He also learnt how to cook. He did not see any people for 15 years. He saved a young man. He named him Friday, because he found him on that day of the week


VI. Раунд  «Ответьте на вопросы»

Round 6 “Answer the questions”

Leader: Now answer the questions about The UK and The USA. 


1. What are the colors of the British flag?

a) blue red and white b) blue and red c) blue white and yellow

2. How many pence are there in one pond?

a) 100 b) 90 c) 10

3. Who was the first president of the USA?

a) George Washington b) Abraham Lincoln c) John Kennedy

4. What do the English put in their tea?

a) jam b) milk c) lemon

5. What is the biggest state in the USA?

a) Texas b) Alaska c) California

6. Which holiday is on December 25?

a) St.Valentine’s day b) Easter c) Christmas

7. What city is the statue of Liberty in?

a) Miami b) Washington c) New York

8. What American holiday is on the 4th of November?

a) Halloween b) Independence Day c) Thanksgiving Day

9. In what city were the famous “Beatles” born?

a) London b) Glasgow c) Liverpool

10. What is the very famous amusement park near Los Angeles?

a) Marine World b) Malibu c) Disneyland

VII. Раунд  «Праздники»

Round 7 “Holidays”

Reader: Watch video and listen the description of the holiday and guess it.


1. On this holiday people send presents, flowers and greeting cards to their sweethearts, lovers, husbands and wives. – St. Valentine’s Day.

2. On this national American holiday (in November) people thank God for good harvest and eat roast turkey, pumpkin and plum pudding. – Thanksgiving Day.

3. On this holiday children put on strange masks, dress up as ghosts and witches and cry “Trick or Treat”. – Halloween.

4. On this day in April people play tricks and jokes on their friends and relatives. – April Fool’s Day.

5. What is the most popular holiday in Great Britain and the USA? – Christmas

VIII. Раунд  «4 времени года»

Round 8 “4 seasons”

Leader: I have 4 envelops. There are 4 seasons here. Choose one of them and collect parts of one picture, then tell poem or sing a song about this season of year.

What winter is in the UK? What summer is in the USA? What is the weather like in the UK? What is the weather like in the USA?

Poems and songs.

XIX. Раунд МИНИПРОЕКТ « The UK and the USA»

Round 9 “Mini-project The UK and the USA”

Leader: Now the last task make project about The UK and The USA, use pencils, markers, glue, colored papers.The task of the teams is to summarize all the new knowledge from the event and create a project of the UK and the USA.

What team is ready?

Ok, let`s sing a song at the end of our competition. “I`m Englishman in New York”

VI. Рефлексия


What do you think about our quiz  game?

What question (round) was the most interesting for you?

Let`s summarize our lesson with method Tiktok

If you like the quiz game, choose like, if you have your opinion, choose comment, if you want share with your friends about quiz, choose share.

VII. Подведение итогов игры


It’s time to declare the winners of today’s game. How many points do you have British scientists and American eagles?

1) The first place takes …

2) The second place takes…


Congratulations to all the members of teams. You were the best. We know and have a lot of information about the UK and the USA. But we don`t forget about our country.

Thanks a lot to everyone for taking an active part in our quiz-game.