Сборник –тренажер для подготовки учащихся к МОДО.

Лебедь Светлана Валериевна
Учитель английского и немецкого языков.
КГУ «СОШ №3» отдела образованияЩербактинского района,упрвления образования Павлодарской области

                    Аннотация   к сборнику

Данный сборник  предназначен для  подготовки учащихся 9 класса к МОДО , так же возможно использование данных текстов при подготовке к Итоговой аттестации учащихся и также будет полезен при подготовке  к  ЕНТ.                                                                                          Предложенный материал может  быть использован  для совершенствования навыков чтения  как  ознакомительного, поискового и  просмотрового. Работая  с  данными текстами  учащиеся  развивают речевую догадку  и в умении переводить текст. Материал включённый в сборник  адаптирован , доступен пониманию учащихся.

Жинаққа аннотация.

Бұл жинақ 9 сынып оқушыларын ОЖСБ-ға дайындық ретінде құрастырылған, және де кейбір мәтіндері қорытынды аттестаттауға дайындық кезінде, ҰБТ ға дайындық кезінде де өте пайдалы.  Берілген материал оқушылардың оқу дағдысын дамытады, ізденушілік қабілетін арттырады.

 Мәтіндермен жұмыс жасау барысында сөйлеу қабілетін арттыр.                                                                           Жинақтағы материал оқушының еркін сөйлеуіне көмектеседі.

                   Annotation to the collection                                                                                       This collection is intended to prepare 9th  grade students for MODO                            ( Monitoring of   students’ educational achievements) ; it is also possible to use these  texts in preparation for the Final Certification of students and will also be useful in preparing for the UNT. The proposed material can be used to improve reading skills as introductory, search and viewing. By working with these texts, students develop speech comprehension and  the ability to translate text.                             The material included in the collection is adapted and understandable to students.                                                    


1. Graffiti                                                                     стр          3- 5

2. Means of transportation in the city                       стр          5-6

3.  Last School Party                                                   стр.         7-8

4. The letter to Tony                                                   стр          9-10

5. The Lion and the Mouse                                        стр          10-11

6. From ‘To Build a Fire’                                            стр          12-13

7. Wolfgang Mozart- talented composer                  стр          14-16

8. The Fire of London  in 1666                                  стр.         16-17

9. The newspaper article                                            стр.         18-19

10. Chinese Food – What a Way to Cook!                стр.        20-20

11. Maxim’s – A Great Restaurant                            стр.        21-22

12. The story about young student                            стр.         22-24

13. The letter to Tony                                                  стр        24-25        

14. Lord Byron                                                             стр        26-27        

15.   Christmas Day                                                    стр        28-29

16. The weather in England                                         стр        30-32

17. Environmental Pollution                                      стр         32-34

18. William I, the Conqueror                                      стр          34-36

19. My first piano recital                                             стр          36-38

20. Sport and games in Kazakhstan                           стр          38-40

Keys                                                                              стр          41-43

Тext  №1                          Graffiti

      You can travel almost anywhere in the world, and you will probably see graffiti. Although graffiti is more common in big cities, today you may find it in almost any region or district, big or small. It’s everywhere: on trains, walls, bridges and buildings.

      The word graffiti itself probably comes from the old Greek verb which means “to write”. Writings on walls already existed in ancient Rome. The Romans cut graffiti on walls and monuments. It showed phrases of love, political ideas, simple thoughts, magic spells, alphabets, and famous quotations from literature.

      Modern graffiti dates back to the US of the 1960s. At that time for young people it was a form of self-expression and a political protest. Teenage groups in New York, for example, painted graffiti to mark their territory. Later, there started competitions between different groups.

    Today graffiti has travelled all over the world. However, it is still an illegal art. It has been always painted on private or public property, like cars, trains, fences and house walls. As a result most people see it as vandalism. Besides, it’s rather hard to clean graffiti paints, and cities spend millions every year on it. So, in most countries graffiti is forbidden.

       On the other hand, modern graffiti is, by its nature, a form of painting. After all, the artist uses the same methods and materials. However, instead of paints a graffiti artist prefers sprays, markers, and crayons. Some of their works are really impressive and fascinating; they are powerful and have a deep meaning.

    Probably, the most famous graffiti artist is Banksy, who comes from Bristol, England. He strongly believes that writing graffiti on buildings is an effective way to communicate with people. His works are very often aggressive, provocative and even rude.

Choose the correct option according to the text:

  1. What does the word ‘graffiti’ originally means?
  2. to paint
  3. to draw
  4. to write
  5. to see
  6. to work
  7. Where did modern graffiti begin?
  8. the UK
  9. the US
  10. Greece
  11. Ancient Rome
  12. Australia
  13. Why do teenagers in New York use graffiti for?
  14. to make their territory nice
  15. for fun
  16. to show their area
  17. to show their drawing skills
  18. without any aims
  19. Where you can find graffiti?
  20. in big cities
  21. on trains
  22. on bridges
  23. on buildings
  24. all answers are correct
  25. Why do some people think graffiti is vandalism?
  26. it is difficult to clean
  27. sometimes people paint on monuments and properties of others
  28. it was a form of a disagreement
  29. some people don’t like art
  30. it takes much money to draw
  31. What things are NOT preferred by graffiti makers?
  32. crayons
  33. markers
  34. spray
  35. paints
  36. all answers are correct
  37. Why does Bansky  use different styles on buildings?
  38. to present his ideas
  39. to show his rudeness
  40. to stay in touch with people
  41. to forget about rules
  42. to share his drawing skills
  43. According to the text, graffiti is
  44. rather modern and  useful
  45. modern and ineffective
  46. very old with strong sense
  47. spread only in Europe
  48. permitted everywhere
  49. The underlined phrase means something is
  50. correct
  51. prohibited
  52. interesting
  53. unique
  54. impressive
  55. One can make a conclusion that graffiti in general helps
  56. to express yourself using painting
  57. to think of ancient times
  58. to build new bridges, buildings
  59. to talk to people
  60. to make friends

Text № 2     

Means of transportation in the city

Visitors to America are immediately struck by the number of automobiles on the highways and in the city streets. Cars fill the roads and crowd the streets of the city. For a city like New York, city transport is a big problem. Though there are a lot of private automobiles, many people still use public transport. New York’s public transport includes the subway, an extensive bus and street car service and taxi cabs.

In rush hours it is better to take the subway. You walk a few blocks to the nearest subway and get downstairs. You buy some tokens at the change booth and get through the turnstile. Then you have to find the right platform. In New York subway system there are parallel tracks for local and express trains. The local train stops at every station, the express only at every fifth or sixth station. It is very convenient to take an express if you go very far to the other end of the city. New York subway system is a rather complicated one.

New York has an extensive bus service operating on a transit basis. When a passenger enters a bus or street car and deposits his fare in the fare box, he may request a transfer. The driver or operator will give him a slip of paper on which there will be printed the time and direction of the trip. With this transfer, the passenger may get on another bus or street car at a transfer point on his route and continue his ride without additional cost.

A taxi cab service is another means of transportation in the city. There are no taxi stands and you can stop a taxi by whistling, shouting or raising your hand. Taxi cabs keep running along the streets all the time.

  1. What is the main idea of the text?
  2. New York’s tourist
  3. Taxi cabs in New York
  4. City transport of New York
  5. Subway in New York
  6. Аnswer the question: “Who will give the tourists a piece of paper with printed time and direction of the trip?”
  7. taxi cab service
  8. artist
  9. porter
  10. driver or operator
  11. What can tourists take in rush hour?
  12. a taxi cab service
  13. the subway
  14. bus or street car
  15. train
  16. Which sentence contradicts the text?
  17. Cars fill the roads and crowd the streets of the city.
  18. In New York subway system there are parallel tracks for local and express trains.
  19. There are a lot of taxi stands where you can stop a taxi by whistling, shouting or raising your hand.
  20. Taxi cabs keep running along the streets all the time.
  21. What expression is true about transport in New York?
  22. City transport isn’t a big problem in New York
  23. There are parallel tracks for local and express trains in subway system
  24. The passenger can’t get on another bus or street car at a transfer point.
  25. There isn’t extensive bus service operating on a transit basis
  26. What is “subway?”
  27. a rapid transit system that serves boroughs of New York City,
  28. a group organized secretly to work against an existing regime.
  29. extensive bus service operating on a transit basis
  30. an extensive bus and street car service and taxi cabs.
  31. What does New York’s public transport include?
  32. the subway, an extensive bus and street car service and taxi cabs.
  33. the subway, an extensive bus and car service and taxi drivers.
  34. the subway, bus and street vehicle and taxi cabs.
  35. the subway, an extensive bus and taxi cabs.
  36. New York subway system is a rather
  37. complex
  38. easy
  39. formal
  40. simple
  41. What expression is true about New York’s public transport?
  42. There aren’t many  roads and crowd
  43. Local train stops at every station
  44. There aren’t a lot of private automobiles
  45. There are parallel roads for tourists  and express trains
  46.  What stands for a taxi cab?
  47. a motor vehicle licensed to transport passengers in return for payment of a fare and typically fitted with a taximeter.
  48. an extensive bus and street car service and taxi cabs.
  49. a rapid transit system that serves boroughs of New York City,
  50. extensive bus service operating on a transit basis